The stellar body generator is based on eight different body types, each with two or three different sizes (asteroid, moon, small planet, goldilocks planet, gas-planet, dwarf star, main-sequence star, giants). Up to three additional satellites are generated for the body, where the probability for each is about 20%. Some of the bodies have multiple internal pseudo-random elements, such as the lines on the planets, which vary in their size and position. Other examples are the glow around the sun and the size of the reflections and craters on the moons.
One of over 50 different handcrafted color pallets (using either two or three different colors) is selected for the generated elements. The stars in the background follow a pseudo-random pattern, with some predefined clusters combining into a new constellation for each body.
Some unique bodies, are entirely handcrafted and will show up on rare or special occasions.
An alpha version of this project was implemented for tizen 4.5 but was not accepted by Samsung as a candidate for their watch-face program. It was subsequently not further updated for the tizen 5.0 and 5.5 release. If you’re interested in further details about this project, don’t hesitate to contact me.